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Prize Thread: Your Dating Stories

Have a romantic, hilarious or awful date story?

Share your experience and you could win a $100 Alpine Butterfly Swim gift card!

Winner announced on September 19th!

Created: almost 3 years ago
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almost 3 years
My experience with dating has been wild, especially online dating! I’ve found that guys think you’re easier to nail because you’re bigger and act like they’re doing you a favor to be on a date. I’ve also had men fetishize my body - mostly men I’ve spoken to online. I haven’t had the best luck dating honestly! I hope I meet someone someday that just likes me for me.
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almost 3 years

Met my (now) husband in 2009 through the official Paramore fanclub. He is from Wales and I'm American. We stayed in touch through all the years and in 2014 admitted that we both "liked" each other even though we knew it couldn't work.

At the time, I was in a sorority for a hot second and had a winter semi-formal approaching. I kept complaining that I didn't have a date. He said he would come take me. I thought he was joking. He literally came all the way from the UK for just a weekend to take me to the dance.

A couple of years of long distance and he's now immigrated and we had our happily ever after. We got married on May 11, 2019 - on the 10 year anniversary of adding each other on Facebook. 😂

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almost 3 years
That is an amazing story @mh2020 😍
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almost 3 years

I'm going to share one of my worst times. I was chatting with a guy online for a few weeks and thought we were getting along well. In that time, I sent 4-5 full body pics taken in front of the mirror and also had images in my dating profile of course.

When we met for our date, one of the first things he said was “I knew you were big but not THAT big”. 😳

I felt so uncomfortable the whole rest of the date and he even had the audacity to try and invite me back to his for a hook up.

The insecurity I felt after this date stuck with me for months.

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almost 3 years
Well i went on a date with this guy from Boston. And oh boy he was toxic. The whole time he talked about not like certain ethnicities. And all I could say was you know most of my family is biracial. And we ate at the cute little Italian pizza place. The pizza was great luckily I paid for my own pizza so I didn't feel obligated to be nice after the woest date ever and did i mention he chain smoked the whole time. Yuck. Now I'm married to the most amazing man I met of Craigslist
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almost 3 years

@mh2020 and @treeofdreams22, i'm so happy to hear how your stories worked out! I've struggled with online dating but you have both inspired me to keep trying to find love 😍

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almost 3 years

It is so worth it i have been with my husband for 7 years the only problem we have is his daughter gives me hell. But i love him so much that i am willing to suffer a little because one day she will move out

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almost 3 years
Ever turned up to a date wearing the exact same outfits? No? Think yourself lucky 😅 I immediately made an excuse to buy a shirt without being obvious. I took him into a music store, pretended I'd been looking for a particular shirt for a while, found it and was like "omg I gotta wear this now, right", he was nonethewiser as to why I was changing my shirt 😅
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