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Should we be boycotting Torrid?

Hi everyone.

I don’t know if any of you are active on plus size TikTok but something has happened this week that I want to discuss... there was a creator who repeatedly called out Torrid’s prices for what they sell, and the styles- and now she’s allegedly being targeted by Torrid. I linked the video she posted regarding the incident and the backlash has been growing against Torrid rapidly and people are boycotting them.

I don’t shop much at torrid, but I know it’s a viable option for so many in the plus size community. Is this a valid conversation? I’m personally appalled to think a company would do something like this in the face of criticism and it points to them have such a toxic culture.

Here's her tiktok video

What do you think?

Created: over 2 years ago
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over 2 years

Torrid are trash. I have been following and this and feel so bad for hannah. they take advantage of plus size women for not having enough options.

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over 2 years

Torrid is one of the very few places you can get size 30 clothes.

There used to be Catherine's and Avenue, but they don't have physical stores anymore. It can be hard to imagine not being able to just walk into a store and get the item you need, but for bigger folks, that happens a lot.

I personally can't boycott them because they're one of the only options I have....

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over 2 years

I’ve been avoiding Torrid for awhile because a.) their clothing sucks and b) it is wildly overpriced.... but I have seen this and it makes me feel even stronger about it.

The tiktoker made a follow up tiktok clarifying why she thinks it was Torrid. To be 100% frank, I’m not EVER going to side with a billion dollar corporation over a single content creator.

I believe someone did contact the creator’s workplace. I believe it may or may not have been torrid. But at the end of the day she’s literally just one person on TikTok and torrid is a corporate empire, so the idea torrid is being “wronged” in this scenario doesn’t sit well with me...

I don’t care where other people shop, and you can criticize almost every plus size place out there for one thing or another, but I certainly support a boycott against torrid in general.

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over 2 years

I saw this on Faceebook today. torrid made a statement about it and I didn't know about this until then and looked into it. I feel so sorry for Hannah. No one deserves this.

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ledollarbean OP
over 2 years

Right! it's soooo bad! I don't know what to think anymore. I wish they would do better.

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over 2 years

The 3X+ market is still hideously underrepresented, to the degree I would bet that's where the bulk of Torrid's money is coming from.

Being able to boycott Torrid is a privilege many of us just straight up don't have,

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over 2 years

I wouldn’t rule out a random troll or doxxer but Torrid also recently went public and companies have pulled shit like this before with other creators.

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ledollarbean OP
over 2 years

right! it could be a random troll. How we do we know it was actually them

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over 2 years

jumping on this because I feel Torrid has a great opportunity right now to listen to their customers and do better and they should take it as free market research. they have the resources to do better.

I wish there was less disney and childish cartoon prints and more trendy styles. I don't shop from there often anyway because the selection is just so bad.

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over 2 years

totally. they need to do better!

But what I want to know is did she have any proof this was someone from Torrid?

The more I think about it, it kinda just seems like an assumption/conspiracy theory…People on the internet are so crazy and jump to conclusions,.

I think it’s a little irresponsible to just assume someone from a major company cares enough about a tiktoker to make false allegations to her employer and not just some sad lowlife in the comment section?

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ledollarbean OP
over 2 years

I am sceptical too. like where is the proof?

@cherry7543 haha yes I think we can all agree on THAT!

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over 2 years

I'm not really a Torrid shopper anyway but I was highly offended by Hannah's criticism of Liz for talking about her breast cancer survivor status. There's literally no proof that anyone from Torrid was involved and quite frankly that the incident even happened. Hannah has not lost her job and claimed it scared her about her privacy on social media yet keeps posting videos about the situation. Meanwhile, she has grown her account by 25k followers this week so it seems like she's enjoying the drama.

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over 2 years
I agree @memphismandysue it is a bit of a reach to accuse torrid of doing this. It could be anyone with a grudge. I’m all for the conversation on how torrid can do better fashion-wise but this whole situation sounds like a conspiracy theory to me
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over 2 years
This is crazy!
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ledollarbean OP
over 2 years

yeah totally. It's brought to light how bad Torrid's clothing and service is and how many people are pissed about this.

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over 2 years

terrible brand with terrible values.

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