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How to feel beautiful

I've recently got into it with my bf who follows these supposedly perfect females on Insta and realized that I've put my lingerie up, and really don't bother to make myself cute anymore. He doesn't compliment me and I don't feel confident with him, the IG situation has made that a lot worse. What do you ladies do to make yourself feel more pretty? I'm not good at makeup but have been looking into tutorials.

Created: almost 3 years ago
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almost 3 years

Sorry to hear your bf hasn't been appreciating you. It sounds like the IG situation has made you feel more insecure and because of him not complimenting you and telling you your pretty, it makes it feel so much worse.

Firstly, remember your worth is not tied to him and his compliments, you can feel pretty with or without him.

But it also sounds to me like words of affirmation are one of your love languages, so one of the things you need from him is to tell you how he feels about you and finds you attractive.

Have you tried talking to him about how you feel he doesn't compliment you and you'd like to hear it once in a while? Do you compliment him and make him feel good? That's always a good place to start!

But to make yourself feel more pretty and confident in yourself is the most important thing. You want to do things that make me feel beautiful, strong and capable:

For me these are:

- Going for a walk and breathing in the fresh air

- Taking a shower or bath so I am all fresh and pretty

- Take good care of my skin

- Dance around in sexy underwear

- Buy a new piece of clothing that makes me feel amazing

- Try a new hairstyle or go for a haircut to freshen up my look (it's fun to be pampered)

When all else fails, remind myself that my worth is not tied to my appearance and I have so many other amazing qualities that I am beautiful regardless of my (insert insecurity here).

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almost 3 years
Time to make yourself feel cute again hunny! Find parts of your body that you love. Then come up with ways to highlight them. For example, in my case I like the way my collarbones look, so I often wear shirts with V-necks or boat necks. Find two or three qualities like this if you can and put on clothes/makeup/jewelry that highlights them whenever you need that extra confidence. It makes it easier to shop for items too when you know what you want to highlight. When you're thinking about your looks, focus on those qualities. Try to look in the mirror and think, "Damn, I have great collarbones, nice hair, and pretty eyes. I'm beautiful." Don't let the traits you're insecure about factor in. Once you start thinking of yourself as pretty overall, it'll be easier to feel okay with those parts of your body.
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almost 3 years
I'm not good at makeup either, but it looks fun and creative and a great way of boosting your confidence so you should totally try it out! post your makeup looks here too 😊
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almost 3 years
Nikkie tutorials is my favorite for Make-up looks and I love that she’s plus size too. Definitely let your bf know how you’re feeling, it sucks to not feel like he’s making an effort - but try asking him from the point of view of what you need - I.e that you’re needing more affection and compliments from him - rather than accusing him of never doing it. My experience is that just gets people on the defensive. This sounds like “I feel really good and confident when you tell me I look beautiful and I’d love to hear that more as I’m feeling low in confidence right now” - rather than “you never make me feel good”. You deserve to feel beautiful and attractive. Like the others said here, you can do that for yourself. I liked the tip of getting freshened up and buying a new outfit. Any self care is good, as well as looking in the mirror daily and telling yourself you are beautiful, you are worthy and you deserve the best. ❤️
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almost 3 years
First of all, stop thinking you have to change yourself to impress your other half. Focus on what makes YOU feel good. Because I can guarantee, no matter what you're wearing (or not wearing 😜), it's the confidence that gets you noticed. My partner loves stockings and heels, I think they're OK, but I feel sexiest in a bodysuit or a long line bra and high rise thong. yourself a cute AF robe (think lace or satin or lightweight cotton), because no matter what, a robe and heels always makes me feel extra sexy... No matter what is or isn't under there ❤️ but most importantly HAVE FUN! Learn to laugh at yourselves and experiment with fun lingerie you've not worn before (I never thought I'd enjoy a lace crotchless bodystocking but DAAYYUUMMM I look good... Evidence on my IG page hahaha)
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over 2 years

you are so beautiful and worthy, just the way you are. Keep reminding yourself and look after your heart.

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over 2 years

Hey girl listen to the Boundless Heart podcast by L.C. - not trying to say dump the BF but that could be a great area to explore - relationship stuff.

IG is so funny- it's not real. It is totally curated. So you have to use it as an inspiration but not as a place to identify or be identified.

Get your heart and head in the place of joy & the confidence will follow.

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