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Thinking about online dating again...

Saw there is a dating category on here and would love to know your experiences with dating apps and which you find the best for plus size folks?

I had a bad experience on Tinder a few months ago so i've been avoiding all the apps, but honestly I just wanna meet someone.

Created: almost 3 years ago
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almost 3 years

Well! how would I describe my experiences... it's definitely good and bad. I've had success with okcupid. I was honest that I am fat and I feel like that helped? Also made sure to write an amusing profile.

I had two bad experiences that involved my size. One was where I guy told be I was probably going to eat all his food if he took me on a date because of my size. He justified it by explaining he dated another fat girl and she joked around like that. Another guy asked me out and told me to go die when I refused him.

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almost 3 years

I've been approached to do porn, asked to be a sugar baby, and proposed to by a guy so he could get better military benefits. Internet dating is wild!

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almost 3 years

Bumble has always been my favorite of the apps. I do think you need to be very upfront about your size and post full length pictures. I was always terrified of going on a date and hearing 'you're bigger than i expected'... so I kinda wear it like armour and am very upfront about my size.

Make no apologies for yourself.

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almost 3 years

1000% agree about posting full legnth pictures, So sorry to hear about your horrendous experiences!

I agree wth both @taylorkay223 and @miriam98 OkCupid and Bumble have been the best ones for me. I like OkCupid because you match with people based on questions you've answered and there's a quetion all about body shape so you can filter out people straight away that way.

Bumble is good because the girls have to start the conversation which means a lot less predator like chats - defo still get them though lol

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almost 3 years

there are specific fat dating apps, but I think they're all quite fetishised.

Have you tried Hinge? That's more relationship focused I think.

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almost 3 years

You will find your perfect person 🤗

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queenren12 OP
almost 3 years

Thanks for all your responses!

I have some updates: I downloaded Bumble and Hinge and set up an Okcupid account too.

So far, I'm really liking Hinge, although so many men think that getting drunk is a personality trait.

No dates yet, but I'll keep you posted! 😍

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almost 3 years

Hahah I have met soooo many guys who think drinking is a personality trait. Worst is when they think being hungover all the time is a personality trait.

I've not tried Okcupid, how's that going?

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queenren12 OP
almost 3 years

I have a hinge date lined up this weekend!

almost 3 years

I married my online match 13 years ago! We are so happy together. We met on eharmony. From my experience, which I know was a long time ago, guys that are willing to invest more time/money into joining the site are usually not looking to just play around. If they just want to play, there are sites that are easy to join. Eharmony takes a bit more effort so the guys I met there were more relationship-minded. And one was Mr. Right!

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almost 3 years

This was such a good thread to read! i Might try bumble or eharm. I LOVED the "wear it like armor and make no apologies for yourself "

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queenren12 OP
almost 3 years

I haven't logged in for a couple weeks and just seen your replies!

@my_name_is_jb91 thank you! sadly it didn't happen... he ghosted me. Why does this keep happening!! please tell me more about the geeks and nerds!

@sarahk this is my dream. I think Eharmony may be where I look next as I'm just not having any luck with the new apps. Eharmony has been around for so long, hopefully I meet my husband like you do. I love to see it! You have given me hope!

@missmelb_plus totally! this line rocked me to the core @miriam98 are you a life coach?!


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