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Helpful tips to Health-care professionals for points size people

These are amazing tips that the healthcare professionals need to know about how they can make us feel as larger people. 101: 6 Things Plus-Size Patients Want Medical Providers To Know
Created: over 2 years ago
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over 2 years
Such a great article, thanks for sharing 😊 Virgie Tovar is the best.
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over 2 years
“Stop prescribing weight-loss. Many plus-size patients, in fact, have undiagnosed eating disorders.” - this really hit home for me. As I have struggled for years with disordered eating, made worse by medical professionals judging me.
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over 2 years
“Stop prescribing weight-loss. Many plus-size patients, in fact, have undiagnosed eating disorders.” - this really hit home for me. As I have struggled for years with disordered eating, made worse by medical professionals judging me.
over 2 years
this is great. sharing this.
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